Saturday, April 30, 2005

Spur of the Moment

I decided to change the list just like that [snaps fingers]. Like that [tries to snap fingers again]. Like... THAT [tries one more time].
(I knew I should've learned to do that. Would've come in real handy just there)

So I'm sitting in front of the TV watching Dora The Explorer for the 600th time with my daughter and I read my blogs and then check on mine and see that Anger Management has a new post about how I hate cats and this blog is stuck on the post about my explosive colon and I thought that while the enema story is pretty funny no one really wants to read that for too long so I should probably do something about that so I start a new post but when I go to submit it I lose my wireless connection and I lost the whole thing so what you're actually reading is my second go at this except for that last part because I didn't write that the first time becuase I expected it to just work!

This post is brought to you by the run on sentence.

For the first time ever I present to you my mute parrot Pequito here to enlighten and tantalize you with the new List changes:

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Pequito hangin' in his house. Notice that he's giving Geekbird
the finger. If he could talk he'd say, "I'll show you a bird, asshole!".
  1. Heather is hanging on to the top spot. Are we seeing the beginning of a new dynasty?
  2. AMG. Back to #2. She's got a new picture up and it's super classy. Plus she posted something else above that "other" picture.
  3. Jennifer W.K. now sits at #3. That's the same place I am on her list... interesting.
  4. Carrie takes over the 4 spot. Was it because of her new picture? We'll never know.
  5. Jessica Rabbit. I still really really like her comments.
  6. Kristi has been working so hard lately I decided to give her a rest. All that work trying to stay on top was killing her.
  7. Jo-Anne is back from Florida! We'll see if she can't work her way up next week.
  8. Real-Jo. Still quiet. In danger of slipping...
  9. Meggan. New list member! Welcome. I think I got your name from Jessica Rabbit's blog where you commented on her breasts. That caught my eye...

The cut list (you're all winners, just not on The List):

We close with the requisite insult for my pal Geekbird, this time submitted by "Phil" from North Bay, Ontario:

"Quit being so stupid, you worthless evil disease. You're croth smells like a flatulant hemmorhoid and you are a shriveled doormat of a person."

Thursday, April 28, 2005

So You're Going to Have an Enema? Part I

This is something that actually happened to me. I'm not making any of this up, but I might be making it a tad funnier that it actually was at the time. It's 100% true.

It's a story in three parts - that's best told in person - but if I don't write this down now I may forget all the details that make it so wonderfully entertaining (for everyone else but me, that is). It should be read quickly as that's how it's supposed to be told. Imagine lots of funny faces and arm waiving too.

This is also the longest post in the history of Blogger. You have been warned.


Part I - Preparation

I had been having stomach troubles for a while and my doctor decided it was time to go in. My options were this. 1) Camera tube down throat. 2) Camera tube up ass. 3) Enema & X-Rays with Barium milk shake & X-Rays. After much deliberation we decided the least invasive route would be option 3.

"So", I said to my doctor, "I've heard the term before, but what exactly is involved with all this anyway?". Now my doctor being not the best with bedside manner responded rather coldly, "Well, first you drink this barium - a lot of it - and then they rock you around, and take some x-rays. Then once that's all settled, about a month later, you go in and they stick a 1/4" surgical tube up your ass and pump you full of more barium, rock you around a bit, pump air into your lower intestine and take some more x-rays. Then you shit cement for a few days."

At least he was honest. Well, the barium milk shake was a piece of cake. That is, if you can muscle down the sickest drink ever imagined. It was like something out of Fear Factor, only my life might actually depend on this so you HAVE to do it. It sucked big time, but it didn't even suck a fraction of the amount that the rest did.

So after a month of waiting they finally tell me that the "Upper GI" turned up nothing and now it was time for IT. They sent me one of those little pamphlets labeled "Enemas" and it had lovely little pictures in it and very detailed medical text on what to expect and what it was all about and what they could find. Very educational. Also a complete and total piece of shit lie.

Before you go in for this procedure you have to be um.... clean. Not clean in the porn star sort of way with the boys as slick as marbles, but clean as in a digestive track that's void of anything - including liquid, and especially food. So I go to the pharmacy to get "the kit". It's a lovely 3-step program designed to cleanse your inner self. In retrospect, this was nothing at all like the Yoga I had originally hoped it would be.

Step 0: The Fasting
Yes, there's a step zero. Any of you who've taken Thermodynamics would know that. Anyway, step zero is to eat nothing for a day, drink only clear chicken broth and water. The next morning it's only water, lunch more water, then before bed on that day nothing until after the procedure. Seeing as I was 6' 2" and only 140 lbs at the time, I was actually worried about not eating for that long. More on the weight loss later.

Step 1: The Pills
These are little pills - white - that you swallow in the morning. They did essentially nothing. Do this day I wonder if they just had them so that the kit could contain three steps instead of just two.

Step 2: The Drink
So I'm at work on the 2nd day and I'm hungry as hell. All I've had to eat for more than a day is water and chicken broth and those three stupid pills that did nothing. At lunch time I read the box for "the drink". It says that I should drink it all down as quickly as I can and that I should "expect a strong reaction in 3 or 4 hours." What the hell does that mean? I mean I know what it means, but they can't pin it down any better than that?

So I drink this vile stuff. Granted, it was WAY better than drinking barium, but it still was really shitty. It was the most concentrated, carbonated, lemon juice I've ever had. About 2 hours later my friend happens by my cube and reads the box. He says to me, "If their margin of error is 1 hour, what if the reaction time happens in 2 to 3 hours instead of 3 to 4?"

Oh shit. I hate it when people other than me make so much sense. I packed up my stuff immediately and headed home, in what had to the the worst rain storm I've ever seen in my life. I start my 1986 Cutlass and it gives me a really hard time. It does not like rain AT ALL. I wasn't even out of the parking lot when IT HAPPENED. The strong reaction was upon me, and it was pissed!

Wanting home field advantage, I put the pedal to the ground. It's normally a 10 minute drive to home from work - I planned to do it in 4. I took the most direct route home and basically broke every motor law there is for the province of Ontario with the exception of not stopping for a school bus (thankfully it was mid-day and kids were still in school). Now I get to my street, or rather the one right before mine and I see a GIANT puddle in the road from the rain. Not wanting to get stuck in it I floored it. I'm doing 90 in a 40 now and am not even thinking about losing my license, killing someone, or killing myself. I just need to get home. NOW.

I hit the puddle and my car almost comes to a screeching halt as a wall of water 20 feet high sprays on either side of me. I felt like Moses. Then, my car sputtered. Oh no. It coughed and slowed now. Oh no. The tachometer plummeted to zero rpm. Oh no!!!!! I instantly invented a new swear word (something like jesusfuckingchristholyshitfuckgoddamnasslickinghellbitch). I put the pedal to the floor, turned the ignition and punched my dashboard with my other hand. the fucking thing started and took off like a rocket. I now believe in God.

I park in the handicap spot in front of my building. I didn't have a permit, but if any situation warranted this violation I'm guessing it was this one. Plus, that was pretty much the only law I hadn't broken in the last 6 minutes (I know, I blew the target ETA) and I wanted to clear the board. I run up the stairs three at a time and I get to my floor and I run - like - hell. I round the corner and there's someone in the hallway. In front of my door. With a GIANT roll of carpet for the hallway.

You have GOT to be FUCKING kidding me! I start screaming bloody murder at this poor immigrant-looking fellow. "Fucking move asshole! Get out of the way! Away from my fucking door you carpet laying piece of shit! MOVE!!!". I've never seen such a small man move such a big roll of carpet so fast in my life.

I open my door and leave it wide open (no time to close it) and get to the bathroom and have a seat. My pants hit the floor at the exact time my body decided to imitate a fucking space shuttle launch. And it was LOUD. And my doors were open. And there was a little Indian man out in my hallway with a big roll of carpet crushing him to death. I did not care. Not one bit.

It ended quickly. I got up, washed up and weighed myself. I had just lost 5 pounds. I'm not joking in the least. Five pounds in 1/10th of a second. That has to be some sort of record. I go to close my door (to the hallway outside) and there's the little Indian man. He's looking at me like I just jumped off the coroners table and shook his hand. I apologized profusely but he just kept staring at me with these huge terrified eyes.

So, moving along with the story, I managed to get a few glasses of water into me to calm down and then I moved my car (no ticket!). My wife gets home around 6:00 and says to me, "Why did the carpet guy practically run away from me just now?". Had I not been so dehydrated I would have certainly peed myself. Which brings us to...

Step 3: THE Pill
This is just one pill. It's about the size of a small torpedo for a submarine. It's wrapped in foil with big letters on it "DO NOT SWALLOW". Oh... fuck.

My wife reads out the instructions and, the trooper that she is, asks if I need any help. Seriously, I'm now in love with her more than I ever have been. I can guarantee you I would NOT have been offering to help her. Maybe I'm just funny like that.

The package said I had to "sit tight" for an entire 15 minutes!!! I couldn't sit down. It was too uncomfortable. I managed to do a dance around the apartment until the clock struck the appropriate hour. Then it began.

I hadn't eaten anything in over a day. Hadn't drank in hours. Had the single biggest episode EVER, yet I've never needed a seat belt for my toilet more than I did right now. At least the worst part was over. Or so I thought...


OK, well that pretty much sums up PART I. Stay tuned for PART II ("The Procedure") and PART III ("The Aftermath").

Explain Thyself!!

I've been watching that new (mini?) series "Revelations" lately. I really like it. Which is a bit strange considering I'm not the least bit devout when it comes to religion (baptised Anglican, now a dedicated scientifically skeptical agnostic). What does this have to do with anything? I completely forget.

Oh yeah, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. Or something like that. I'm sure it's in the Bible anyway. I'm going to hell. I'm coveting like at least 6 or 7 of my "neighbour's" wives with this list. Sort of. In an indirect kind of Internet way. Of course, I'm not going to hell nearly as fast as AMG (I laughed too - but felt really really really really really bad about doing so).

On with The List stuff...

I will have to get a picture of my mute parrot Pequito for all of you to see. I discuss all things List with him. Good thing he hasn't learned to get on the Internet yet. Or type. Or even to stop shitting on my window sill. Stupid bird.
  1. Heather is still on top (is anyone else just a tad unfomfortable with how that sounds?). God fearing hottie. Have to respect that.
  2. Jennifer W.K. is hanging on to #2, but just barely. We'll see what that vodka party give us...
  3. Kristi jumps up to #3 for reasons to be explained with #4.
  4. AMG. First time ever out of the top 3. I had to knock her down simply because of all the guilt I felt over laughing at that picture she posted. The sooner she posts something else, the better.
  5. Jessica Rabbit. Um... I just like her comments. No really, I do.
  6. Carrie is now at #6. We still don't know if that's her actual eye. Mysterious.
  7. Jo-Anne holds on to the #7 spot despite the fact that she fell off the face of the Earth (or never came back from Florida).
  8. Real-Jo. Silence, as it turns out, is not golden. It's not even bronzin(?)...
  9. NJ. Back where you belong. I'm sure you take no offence and are just happy to be mentioned. Please wash my car.

In no particular order, these people didn't make the cut (again), but are always on my mind. "You are always on my mind.... you are always on my mind" (and no, that wasn't the crappy Pet Shop Boys version - get your minds out of the gutter people).

That's it for now, and ALWAYS remember... if you ever come across a Geekbird post or comment be sure to call him a nasty piece of butt fungus, or if you prefer you may have him smoke your ass hair.

I am now taking suggestions for insults to Geekbird. I currently happen to really like the two above but am open to new ideas (I originally had "tw** fungus" but was so offended by actually typing it I changed it to something else. You know you've gone too far when your own words make you want to shower).

Oh yeah, I have an anecdote coming later today. It's potty humour - quite literally - but 100% true. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The First Post

OK, seeing as so many people like my RANT blog, and so many people like The List, I've decided to make them more or less mutually exclusive, expand on The List with this blog, keep my RANT blog for ranting, and maybe post some other stuff here related to my writing, which I am also trying reasonably hard at doing more regularly. I've also decided to over use the comma (see previous sentence).

While the exact critera for The List will never be known to anyone but myself and my mute parrot Pequito I thought it would be good if I threw out a few teasers whenever I made some changes. Here we go...

Lots of changes this time around:
  • For reasons to be left to your imagination, Sassy has been removed from the list.
  • Heather is now on top (um... uh... you know what I mean! Men are pigs). She's been helping me with my Spanish.
  • Jennifer W.K. is in the #2 spot. I finally got the nerve (and the "whatever" from her husband) to have her higher than #5. I wish she'd re-post that pic of her in the fish...
  • AMG is still in the top 3 - always has been - the dimples are awesome!
  • Kristi is holding strong at #4. She emails me funny videos from time to time. "Canadians Chasing Beaver". Classic.
  • Jo-Anne jumps to #5. She MSN's me when she has time and tells me about all the wonderful things happening in Albequirkey.
  • Real-Jo, despite her silence of recent days is holding down the #6 place. I still like her blog an awful lot.
  • The Eye in the Sky Carrie is at #7. I like her style. And her eye.
  • The dude, a.k.a. NJ is at #8. Always supportive of my stuff, and genuinely funny, this guy deserves to be higher (but he doens't have boobies).
  • And the new #9... Jessica Rabbit. This girl is not your normal soccer mom. I love it. I may not agree with all of it, but I really respect her right to be and act and blog however she feels she wants to. A true individualist and piercing pioneer (from what I've seen). Welcome to the club lady!

People who aren't on the list but are always in the running:

That's it for now, and remember... if you ever come across a Geekbird post or comment be sure to call him a nasty piece of butt fungus, or if you prefer you may have him smoke your ass hair.