Saturday, April 30, 2005

Spur of the Moment

I decided to change the list just like that [snaps fingers]. Like that [tries to snap fingers again]. Like... THAT [tries one more time].
(I knew I should've learned to do that. Would've come in real handy just there)

So I'm sitting in front of the TV watching Dora The Explorer for the 600th time with my daughter and I read my blogs and then check on mine and see that Anger Management has a new post about how I hate cats and this blog is stuck on the post about my explosive colon and I thought that while the enema story is pretty funny no one really wants to read that for too long so I should probably do something about that so I start a new post but when I go to submit it I lose my wireless connection and I lost the whole thing so what you're actually reading is my second go at this except for that last part because I didn't write that the first time becuase I expected it to just work!

This post is brought to you by the run on sentence.

For the first time ever I present to you my mute parrot Pequito here to enlighten and tantalize you with the new List changes:

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Pequito hangin' in his house. Notice that he's giving Geekbird
the finger. If he could talk he'd say, "I'll show you a bird, asshole!".
  1. Heather is hanging on to the top spot. Are we seeing the beginning of a new dynasty?
  2. AMG. Back to #2. She's got a new picture up and it's super classy. Plus she posted something else above that "other" picture.
  3. Jennifer W.K. now sits at #3. That's the same place I am on her list... interesting.
  4. Carrie takes over the 4 spot. Was it because of her new picture? We'll never know.
  5. Jessica Rabbit. I still really really like her comments.
  6. Kristi has been working so hard lately I decided to give her a rest. All that work trying to stay on top was killing her.
  7. Jo-Anne is back from Florida! We'll see if she can't work her way up next week.
  8. Real-Jo. Still quiet. In danger of slipping...
  9. Meggan. New list member! Welcome. I think I got your name from Jessica Rabbit's blog where you commented on her breasts. That caught my eye...

The cut list (you're all winners, just not on The List):

We close with the requisite insult for my pal Geekbird, this time submitted by "Phil" from North Bay, Ontario:

"Quit being so stupid, you worthless evil disease. You're croth smells like a flatulant hemmorhoid and you are a shriveled doormat of a person."


Jennifer said...

No vodka party photos... too tipsy to remember to drag out the camera.

Yeah, go ahead and drop me off the list. I deserve it. I'm a horrible person.

Heather said...

I don't like the messages to Geekbird. A little too descriptive for my tastes.

Umm...yeah, that's all I've got.

Andrew Butters said...

Yeah, Phil was a bit harsh there but what can you do? I'm still pissed off at Geekbird and must show my displeasure. I'm sure the rage will subside soon. Until then, you can just stop reading before the last paragraph and bypass the descriptive insult.

What are you complaining about anyway, you're still #1 baby! I'd be all "You see that AMG. Bow down to my hotness. Bow down!!!!".

Jennifer, you just fell a few spots, but you're still hanging strong to a top 3.

Heather said...

I wasn't complaining. I was stating an opinion.

I don't like to rub my victories in other people's faces. (Unless the victories are in the context of a board game.) Besides, give it a few days, and she'll be beating me.

Kristi said...

Like the finger too. I approve!

Andrew Butters said...

Sorry Heather, I'm a terrible winner. I'm an even worse loser though - lesser of the two evils I guess :-)

If AMG keeps it up, she'll be #1 again soon, and stay there for a looooooong time. But for now, it's all you. Bask in the glory of your hotness! (pretend it's a board game)

Candy said...

Meggan is rocking hot! She might not post pics of herself too much, but she is super smart, funny, adorable and has boobs that could crush a small village!

I would totally do her.

Andrew Butters said...

... and I would watch.

shari said...

Pequito is adorable. He should be on the list!!

Andrew Butters said...

For this evenings performance, The Boutros will be playing the part of the small village. Thank you for your cooperation.

shari said...

that cracks me up... **giggle**

NYPinTA said...

Should I be upset that not only am I one the 'cut' list, but also listed after two guys? Hmmm...