Monday, May 09, 2005

I have been tagged...

Kristi thought she'd tag me, and always being one to enjoy a game of tag I shall reply in kind. My 10 most favourite things (some in order, some not):
  1. That Canadians use the superfluous "u" in words like "favourite" and "honour". We also use the metric system.
  2. My computer. I'm not sure I'd be able to survive without it.
  3. Hockey. I really really really enjoy going to a hockey game (stupid NHL lock out - sigh).
  4. Naked women. Does this really need any more explanation?
  5. Writing. Some day I hope to make a living doing it.
  6. Laying around on a beach doing nothing but tanning and sipping gin & 7up.
  7. Showing off my "goods". Who needs pants anyway?
  8. My friends and family. Great group of people. Seriously, tons of fun to have around.
  9. My wife. She simply understands me. Plus if I sweep she'll do the dishes - and I HATE doing the dishes, so that all works out.
  10. Avery Jordan Wilks Butters. She'll be 3 on June 14th. Where is the time going?!?!?!

I now tag the following people:

- Meggan
- Heather
- Jessica Rabbit.

If I tagged someone who's been tagged already tuff nuggies, just do it.


shari said...

Good list!!
So how was the wedding?

Heather said...

I've already been tagged, I just haven't done it yet. You know...because I have four finals in the next two days. Education is a little more important than my blog at this point.

Andrew Butters said...

Well get on it Heather. Many hours to procrastinate you know...

Shari, the wedding was excellent. A good time was had by all.