The other day I made reference in one of my comments to my daughter having the same love for shoes as her mother. In case you missed it:
Someone better bid on my toast... baby needs a new pair of shoes. If she's anything like her mother she still needs 147 more pairs and that money has to come from somewhere!
That quote was in reference to a piece of controversial toast I'm selling on ebay. I know, I know, I'm a big blasphemous loser, but we've already determined I'm going to hell so I figure I've got nothing to lose.
At any rate, I woke up this morning and was preparing something for my daughter to eat and one of her shows ended (I think it was Arthur. One of the better ones for her to watch, I think). Well because kids attention spans are about 30 seconds long they fill the time with other little creative shows to carry them over to the next episode (in this case we were waiting for George Shrinks to come on).
Well on TVO (Television Ontario - sort of like Canadian PBS for the province of Ontario) has this filler spot called "Twinkle Toes". It's all about dancing and body movement and so forth. The opening for the show has a large number of pink and blue shoes of various styles moving back and forth across the screen as the show title is written out in some scripted font.
So Avery is across the room when this show comes on and she RUNS to the television and when all the shoes start moving around she hugs the TV! I'm not kidding!!! She hugged the damn television!
Some day I will take photos of all the shoes in my house. You'll see, it's complete madness.
So in honour of all the beautiful women everywhere who love shoes, here is The List:
We went to the zoo and saw some of Pequito's friends.
Keepin' it simple today. You wanna know more, post comments or send me an email!
- Jessica Rabbit.
- AMG.
- Meggan.
- Jennifer W.K.
- Heather.
- Kristi.
- Webmiztris.
- NYPinTA.
- Carrie.
And of course we can't forget the cut list:
I am a girl, but I hate shoes. I really hate shoe shopping... and yet, I have about 30 pairs. I don't know how that happened. But, if I loathe shoes and still have so many then I really feel for you. LOL. You're gonna drown in them.
Yay. I moved up one!
My parents are coming to help me move out tomorrow. Basically, I'll tote my shoe collection in my car...and they'll cram everything else into the mini-van.
I have about 25 pairs of real shoes here, plus 10 or so pairs of flip-flops, plus however many pairs I left at home...probably 20 or 30. And about 5 pairs of fuzzy slippers in various colors and styles.
Don't even get me started on my wardrobe...
I have a few pairs of shoes I admit, but most of them are fetish shoes, or old work shoes, I have two pairs of thigh high boots, one black leather, one black shiny vinyl, one pair of black shiny lace up knee boots, one piar of black pleather knee boots that lace up the front and back, one pair of black heels with a pointy witch toe, one pair of black platforms with purple velvet crosses, one pair slip on sandels with heels and little rinestone buckles, and then just three normal shoes, one pair combat type boots, one pair tennis shoes, one pair of mary jane platforms. So MOST of my pile of foolishness was all work related, which for me, ment tax deductable. So ha! Lick my boots!
I have 5 pairs of shoes. Two are sandles or otherwise specific to summer, one are brown, one is everyday, and another for when I want to look nice (they're black shiny leather).
Anyone who needs more shoes than that is just plain crazy! :-)
you said in your original article there:
"Some people have asked me about the "meaning" behind the fish. Well I have no idea, but it will definitely make a devout Christian proud to have the Lord on their breakfast food.... "
Btw - that is FREAKIN' HILARIOUS that you put a piece of toast up on EBay.. that almost beats the guy who advertised a "Kick in the Ass" ..
However.. to enlighten you - as i'm sure you know .. I'm such an expert at this sort of thing...
The fish outline is a logical symbol for the early Christian church to adopt. Fish play a major roll in the gospels.
Some Christians believe that a second link between their religion and the fish symbol is seen in the Greek word for fish (ichthus, spelled: Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma). That is an acrostic for "Jesus Christ, of God, the Son, the Savior" [Iesous (Jesus) CHristos (Christ) THeou (of God) Uiou (the Son) Soter (the Savior)]. An acrostic is an "arrangement of words in which the first letter of each line ordinarily combines with others to form a word or words or the alphabet..
Blah blah freakin' blah.. so there you go..
Please return to your assigned seating - lay your head back and prepare to be reprogrammed. *beep-bloop* Reprogram sequence started ... you have 10 seconds to redeem your soul .. or you will go to hell...
*puts SPF 45 on and donnes his Ray Bans*
sorry - let me clarify something..
You said that quote in your ebay post...
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